EncryptOnClick 2.4

Free Free app that offers an efficient solution to protect confidential data
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Latest version:
2.4.13 See all
2BrightSparks Pte Ltd
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
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EncryptOnClick is a security program developed by 2BrightSparks. The application offers an efficient solution to protect confidential data, like bank account information, credit card numbers, website passwords, and other type of sensitive data.

EncryptOnClick has a very simple interface with only four options, which makes it easy to use for users who aren’t computer savvy. It allows you to lock all types of files (images, documents, executables) as well as any local or network directory. Moreover, the program supports files that use symbols, uncommon characters, and different languages.

When you select a file for encryption, the app will prompt you to enter a password. Immediately after, it will securely lock your data by using a 256-bit AES encryption and will compress your file in the same process. For added security, it also gives you the option to encrypt the file name by replacing it with a set of random characters.

Once a file is encrypted, its icon will turn into a picture of a lock, thus letting you know that the item is protected. When you double click on an encrypted file, you will be given a pop-up screen asking you to enter the chosen password. Additionally, files encrypted with this application can be unlocked using third-party solutions like Winzip 9 or SecureZip and the correct password.

This free application is simple, works fast, and offers home users an effective way to protect sensitive data. It runs on Windows operating systems and is completely free of bloatware and spyware.

MR Senior editor
Mariel Rearte
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Simple interface
  • Quick and easy file encryption


  • An entry to the context menu would simplify the encryption/decryption process
  • No option to recover lost/forgotten passwords

Comments (1)


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I have to load encrypt but I have problems the files which I coded and which I then deciphered do not want any more recryptés with the error " Cannot write to zyp file (507)
That have to make?

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